Sunday, April 22, 2012

What I've learned from pinterest

This is my photo from the mason jar soap dispenser I made here.
I still love it just as much, the lid has gotten a little rusty so I would make sure to paint the lid HEAVILY. Other than that it worked as expected. I have also made a cornstarch filled mason jar using the pour spout from an old salt container. This works Okay, I still have to unscrew the lid for some things and it is better than the box I used to use that somehow made a huge mess EVERY time I opened it.

The fake febreeze however isn't working as well. It seems to be fine when I can actually get it to spray- it could just be the spray bottle I used but I think the baking soda is not fully dissolved and little pieces are clogging up the tube. Reconstituting your broken make up using rubbing alcohol also has mixed results. It did form a pancake again but has since cracked apart, I think maybe I used too much alcohol?

I have also made homemade laundry soap and this seems to work very well. There is a little bit of money layout in the beginning because of the large sizes of washing soda and borax but it has been lasting for a long time. Next time I make a batch I'll just need to purchase a bar of soap- I used fels naptha.

Overall I'm very pleased that I was able to make and use all these things that I had pinned. I just realized that all of these are from my thrifty board- I guess that says something about me! Pinterest has been helpful to me in another way too, it finally got me to get rid of all the old decorating magazines that I've been hoarding for years ( I'm donating them to my daughters school). That makes me Happy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Portraits

I've been busy working on a couple new commissions, they might be from my sister but I can still call them commissions if I get paid. Right?

My sisters two babies, Tay and Bella. I'm not sure which one she loves most sometimes, after all her human daughter is almost a teenager. Enough said.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jumping on the Ombre bandwagon

I decided to dye my hair red. How's that for completely off topic? Actually it does have something to do with my sweater, honest. I have been a blond, brunette and a sort of redhead all before and I knew that when I changed my hair color there would be certain items of clothing that just wouldn't look right anymore so I decided to weed out my closet. None of my pinks or reds look right but blues and purple work great!

I came across this sweater that I think I've had for maybe 15 years? I NEVER wore it- because it was white. If you knew me I wouldn't have to explain any further. I'm messy, and clumsy, and pretty absentminded, like leaning into a painting that's still wet and getting it all over my shirt, not that I just did this YESTERDAY or anything!

Anyway I'm pretty happy with this although the top portion was supposed to stay white and it bled when I washed it. I think it should get more wear this way and then I won't have to feel guilty about it taking up drawer space.