Monday, February 20, 2012

Pinterest, also known as the giant time suck.

I like to put hand soap at every sink in the house, with three pets and two children I wash my hands alot. The soap holder by my kitchen sink was just a generic one from the grocery store and was kind of ugly and gave me a low level hum of dissatisfaction every time I used it, which was alot, did I mention three pets and two kids!
while spending  hours time on Pinterest I came across these cute Mason jars soap holders and thought I have Mason jars! The ones they showed were usually zinc and had a lovely patina to them, mine didn't so I just spray painted it a color I like and used the pump from my ugly one. Since I had everything on hand the whole project cost me nothing and makes me Happy every time I go to the sink. Win/win!


  1. Ah, I just repinned this off of your pintrest page. I should totally try this. We have a million year old sunlight squeeze bottle filled with generic soap. Thrifty, yes. Pretty, not so much.

    1. I didn't find your comment for a while because it got marked as spam. The only thing about this is I would make sure the top got painted very well because mine seems to be rusting a little bit, an easy fix but somewhat annoying.
