Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

So I just celebrated my 37th birthday.I know everyone says that they don't feel (enter whatever age here) but I really don't. Of course I'm also at the age where when someone asks me how old I am I really have to stop and think about it, maybe that means I really do feel my age? Regardless I had a wonderful day with my husband surprising me by giving me most of the day to myself, which for a SAHM is the best gift of all. I love my kids more than anything but it makes it alot easier to love them when I'm able to have two thoughts to myself to rub together!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

So today is Friday the 13th, supposedly an unlucky day, but whenever it falls in January it makes me think of my childhood best friend Kim. So where ever you are Happy Birthday. I wonder if you can still burp the alphabet?

Friday, January 6, 2012

This is a picture from last year but I'd say that it accurately represents what my house looks like every year after Christmas. I think it was even worse this year. Except for the two trees right next to eachother, that's another story , One that has to do with a sister who doesn't have kids thinking that it would be okay to put a real tree in a 5 yr olds room. I probably didn't need to say that she doesn't have kids, that part was obvious when I said she thought it would be okay to put a live tree in a FIVE YEAR OLDS ROOM!

Anyway that was all off topic, what I really meant was like everyone else I have been decluttering and cleaning around the house. I think I may have traumatized my youngest when she saw a baby foot sticking out of a box so now I have to actually get all these boxes to goodwill so that they don't start emptying back out into my house. How about everyone else? Does everyone with little girls find naked baby dolls everywhere, I packed up six and it didn't put a dent in the pile!