Sunday, May 15, 2011

So, that took awhile

Posting again has taken longer than I expected, or really pretty much what I thought would happen. This is why I didn't start a blog 3 years ago when I first started following them. I kept thinking that I would do it when I started to learn more about computers or had more time, but I guess the only way to really do this is to just do it!

So I've been working on some projects but haven't taken any pictures of them. They would have made good posts too. Even as I was taking them apart and putting them together I kept thinking I should be taking pictures, anyway I promise to have something soon and I will leave with a picture and a comic book featuring my girls.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, hello there!
Here's my first venture into the big bad world of blogging. I intend to make posts about things that make me happy. Hence the name, clever I know. Well hopefully I'll figure all this out!