Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day

If you would have told me when I worked full time that I would have more to do and less time to do it in being a stay at home mom I don't think I would have believed you. Not that I thought moms did nothing, I knew it would be hard work, it just didn't seem that hard- more kind of like vacation hard. I know all the moms are laughing right now. I'm laughing at me right now.

As an example I had my blogerversary last week and forgot about it. That would be such a big deal except I picked a date I thought there was no way I could forget it, Cinco de Mayo. Not that we celebrate the holiday other than sipping some coronas maybe, but it's the birthday we gave ALL our animals. That makes it seem like we have a zoo here and although it does feel that way most of the time it's really a normalish number. One dog and two cats, but the point is I figured I would remember that day because of the birthdays. Well I remembered the birthdays but forgot the anniversary. Not really a big deal again because no one reads this but really, how forgetful am I going to get.

Anyway I have been busy with lots of projects and cleaning- which isn't so exciting but sooo necessary. The only things I have been posting lately are my paintings. While I am beyond grateful to have commissions coming in I am feeling overwhelmed because I have to eek the time for these out of my already pretty full day. Here is my latest, it is going to be someones Mothers day present, I hope they like it!

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